Friday, 23 April 2010

Walker's Flavour Cup:
Day 5: English Roast Beef & Yorkshire Pudding

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner. Or at least a probable winner. I loved this flavour and it's going to be pretty hard to beat. Even (most of) the blind taste panel agreed it was the best flavour so far, and one even guessed that it was "roast dinner" flavour. Pretty good considering they've been totally clueless about all of the other flavours so far.

Tasting (naturally) of beef, having that elusive, hard-to-describe "Yorkshire pudding" sub-taste, a touch of gravy and even a "hint of greasiness" I thought it was superb. I'd give it 10/10 but have to hold 1 back in case an even better flavour comes along later.

English Roast Beef & Yorkshire Pudding: "So good you could confuse it with a real roast dinner" 9/10


Kirsty said...

At last! A flavour I've been able to get my hands on!

I liked the flavour, I thought they were just 'beefy' at first, but then the Yorkshire pud taste came through.

Not bad, I'd give it more like 7/10. Wouldn't buy it again if it was available in the shops.

Unknown said...

Amazing how the yorkshire pud flavour actually does come through, especially as they can't do Jerk or Teriyaki particularly well and they should be a much more easily defined flavour. So you liked it, but wouldn't buy it again? I'm gonna buy a shed load, in case they stop making them.