Sunday 10 April 2005

White Cat And The Mystery Of The Dead Dunnock

Charley's "pal" White Cat was waiting at the patio doors for him this morning. I say "pal" because I do my best to discourage this association, there's just something about White Cat that I don't trust. He never looks properly clean to me, and a cat that's letting personal hygiene slip is a cat that's on the road to nowhere in my book.
I'm not sure what White Cat's fascination is with Charley, but apparently he used to sit outside his former home too and wail (sic) for him to come out. I'm not sure if there's anything "romantic" going on here, I have no idea what sex White Cat is, but Charley does get on well with him/her. There's never any hissing, posturing or "making really strange noises" like goes on between Charley and Black Cat (although in hindsight maybe
that is a sign of romance?).
Anyway, White Cat appeared to have brought a little gift with him, either for Charley or for us, I'm not sure which. I gave the Dunnock a proper Christian burial, complete with flowers to mark the grave. I just hope Charley & White Cat don't treat it as if it's some kind of fast food outlet.

As a footnote I have to say that I'm not 100% sure of Charley's sex either. His other owners said he's a boy, but I've never seen any evidence of that (not that I've looked too closely) and he never seems to do anything typically "boy-like", being totally uninterested in football, motor sports or DIY. On the other hand he does like to do girly things like giving himself manicures, doing his hair and sleeping.

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