Monday, 20 July 2009

Growing Up

AJ is growing up. Every time I blink he seems to be a little bit bigger. He's a proper little boy now, and it won't be long till he's driving cars and dating girls. He could do the latter now - he's a real lady's man and never fails to smile and make eyes at a pretty woman, the blonder thay are the better. His dad loves it.
He's great at walking and climbing. He'll be up and over the garden fence before you know it - if only he could negotiate that 1/2 inch "moat" between the grass and the path! That's a real stumbling block for him (literally). He has to sit down and swing his legs over it then get up again once at the other side. It's amazing considering that he can climb stairs, the steps to his slide, onto chairs and tables... and yet a 1/2 inch gap...
He'll probably have matsered that by the time I finish writing this, and then there'll be no holding him back.


Helga said...

He's indeed growing up fast.

pixsmiths said...

wow he has grown!
So you have switched to blogger eh from typepad - any reason why?