Monday, 25 October 2004


Charley has a "sister" called Lulu. She's really beautiful but she's a lot more timid than Charley is. It takes her a while to become confident enough to let you touch her and if she comes into the house she keeps backtracking to the door to make sure she can always get out again. She has lovely markings and the most gorgeous pink feet, mouth and nose.
She's also got a perfect stereotypical "meeow" as opposed to the "wowl" that Charley has. I think between them these two are everything I'd want in a cat.
I dunno what we'd do if we got our own cat and it turned out to be a bit "stand off-ish" or unaffectionate like some cats are.
Anyway, "having" these two has made us (or more importantly wife) realise how tying it is to have a cat, so maybe it will be a while before we actually get our own.

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