Sunday, 20 June 2010


The last few days have confirmed Tinos as one of our very favourite
places (but it must join Naxos which really pushed its way up there
For such a small place (Island population 8000 shared amongst one town
and 40 odd villages) it has such a lot going for it. The inland and
coastal scenery are stunning, the villages are charming and sometimes
spectacular, and Tinos town is a real gem. There's such a diverse
range of eateries, bars, cafes and so on and an interesting array of
shops, many of which are open till midnight. It's a colourful scene at
night, and lively and bustling but in ever such a friendly way. And
the constant to and fro of ferries, many of them the sleek high speed
variety, is a source of fascination to us.
We're off to Syros tomorrow. Somewhere new, and hopefully somewhere
we'll enjoy and find interesting, though it will be hard pressed to
match Tinos.
Sent from my iPod

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